Package: apmd

apmd apmd

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Utilities for Advanced Power Management (APM)

On laptop computers, the Advanced Power Management (APM) support
provides access to battery status information and may help you to
conserve battery power, depending on your laptop and the APM
implementation. The apmd program also lets you run arbitrary programs
when APM events happen (for example, you can eject PCMCIA devices when
you suspend, or change hard drive timeouts when you connect the battery).

This package contains apmd(8), a daemon for logging and acting on APM
events; and apm(1), a client that prints the information in /proc/apm
in a readable format.

apmd is notified of APM events by the APM driver in the kernel.

Debian kernels are built with APM support but it is disabled by
default. You need to boot the kernel with the "apm=on" option if you
want to enable the driver. (You may need to add this option to your
lilo command line.)

In most cases, users may want to know that there are newer power
management schemes, like ACPI.

apmd  |  source
3.2.2-13 (karmic)
deb karmic main