Applications (151)

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kuiviewer KUIViewer

viewer for Qt Designer user interface files

10,294 users

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kbugbuster KBugBuster

Bugzilla client for KDE 4

10,359 users

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ddd Data Display Debugger

The Data Display Debugger, a graphical debugger frontend

10,549 users

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python3.0 Python (v3.0)

An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.0)

10,687 users

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kiki Kiki

Nástroj pro testování regulárních výrazů v Pythonu

11,292 users

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eric Eric python IDE

Pokročilé IDE Pythonu

11,564 users

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gtranslator Gtranslator PO Editor

Editor PO souborů pro desktop GNOME

11,661 users

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codeblocks Code::Blocks IDE

Code::Blocks integrated development environment (IDE)

11,822 users

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scilab Scilab

Scientific software package for numerical computations

12,255 users

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cssed Cssed Editor

Grafický editor CSS

12,286 users

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gazpacho Gazpacho Interface Designer

GTK+ User Interface Designer

12,344 users

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kdesvn kdesvn

Subversion client with tight KDE integration

13,077 users

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python-wxtools Editra

wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython common files)

13,439 users

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kcachegrind KCachegrind

visualisation tool for the Valgrind profiler

13,842 users

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python-wxglade wxGlade

Grafický designér napsaný v Pythonu za pomoci wxPython

15,236 users

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winefish Winefish LaTeX Editor

LaTeX Editor based on Bluefish

15,461 users

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qt3-designer Qt3 Designer

Qt3 Designer

16,260 users

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netbeans NetBeans IDE 6.5

Extensible Java IDE

18,694 users

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pgadmin3 pgAdmin III

Grafický administrační nástroj k PostgreSQL

19,284 users

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scite SciTE Text Editor

Nenáročný programovací editor používající GTK

20,783 users

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Ubuntu 9.04