151 Packages

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emacs-snapshot Emacs Snapshot (GTK)

The GNU Emacs editor (development snapshot)

8,488 users

umbrello Umbrello

UML modelling tool and code generator

35,791 users

bzr Bazaar Version Control System

easy to use distributed version control system

78,584 users

bless Bless Hex Editor

A full featured hexadecimal editor

9,868 users

usbprog-gui USBprog

GUI firmware programming tool for the USBprog hardware

3,037 users

datakiosk DataKiosk

juK-like database interface tool for generic SQL databases

2,576 users

emacs23 GNU Emacs 23

The GNU Emacs editor (with GTK+ user interface)

14,459 users

ghex Hex Editor

GNOME Hex editor for files

39,905 users

idle3 IDLE 3

An IDE for Python using Tkinter (default version)

1,580 users

qtoctave QtOctave

A Qt front-end to Octave

10,977 users

seamonkey-browser Seamonkey Composer

Seamonkey Navigator (Internet browser) and Composer

43,776 users

rapidsvn RapidSVN

A GUI client for subversion

29,722 users

eagle Eagle

Printed circuit board design tool

11,845 users

lokalize Lokalize

computer-aided translation system for KDE 4

9,897 users

alleyoop Alleyoop Memory Checker

Front-end to the Valgrind memory checker

6,590 users

mit-scheme MIT/GNU Scheme

MIT/GNU Scheme development environment

2,554 users

gmysqlcc GMySQLcc

graphical client for managing MySQL databases

4,836 users

visualvm VisualVM

All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool

2,464 users

boa-constructor Boa Constructor

RAD tool for Python and wxWindows application

8,825 users

eric Eric python IDE

full featured Python IDE

15,995 users

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